Thursday, July 16, 2009

Stephen King Novels

There have been many writers who have attempted to write horror stories, but only one has captivated audiences around the world. Stephen King has been writing most of his life, with his first professional short story sale being in 1947. Since that time, he has written countless pieces in both fiction and nonfiction. Stephen King is a uniquely creative and talented writer, who will undoubtedly go down as one of the greatest writers ever. To view some of his novels or to purchase writing by Stephen King, click on this link:

At least three of Stephen King's classic horror novels Carrie, The Shining, and Pet Semetary have been made into movies as well . My favorite books written by Stephen King are The Shining and Carrie . I first read these novels as a teen and encouraged my own children to read them as well when they were old enough to understand the content as fictional . These classic horror stories were written so that suspense was building with each turn of the page. I would find myself clutching the books tighter, my heart pounding, all the way until the end of the book, never wanting to put the book down. If you like to read, I would recommend these books as well as other novels written by Stephen King. Some content is very graphic, so parents need to use judgement for children wanting to read some of the books written by Stephen King. You can purchase Stephen King novels at or simply by clicking on this link:

You can also purchase his books from other distributors. Click on the links at the bottom of the page for other areas to purchase Stephen King books or books by any of your favorite authors.
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Happy reading!

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